Humanities Quiz
Years event been taking place
Average participants each year
2024: Meridian Primary School
Current Trophy Holder
The quiz was the brain child of Mrs Latham the Headteacher at Bourn Primary Academy. It had a number of rounds with a mix of questions, pictures and the odd puzzle. There were 2 table rounds which were sheets of questions which stayed on the tables for the whole quiz for the teams to fill in the answers and each team had a Joker they could play to get double points for that round.
This was our most popular event in 2024 and the school hall at Bourn was buzzing with excitement. The pupils answered questions on Geography, History, Current Affairs, Religion, Capital Cities, Popular Culture. Some rounds were linked to the curriculum and other rounds closely linked to items that had been in the news.
This event will now become a regular on the CB23 calendar and we are hoping to have a Trophy ready for the winning to school to receive in 2025.